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How Much of a Difference Does a Good Bed Make?

We’ve been seeing more and more advertisements for mattresses, beds and “sleep systems” in recent months and it has made us wonder, How much of a difference does a good bed make? After doing a bit of research on the different types of beds available, we came up with a few more questions -

What is the difference between each of the different types of beds available?

Are different beds better for certain types of sleep disorders?

How do you know what type of bed is best for you?

Further research turned up some great resources with answers to these questions. If you are thinking about buying a new bed, or just wondering if a new bed could improve your sleep, continue reading.

What's The Best Mattress?

So many different mattresses—not sure which one to choose? Let What's The Best Mattresseducate you in the process. This guide was designed to save you time and money when choosing and even has a forum, which you can use to find information and have any and all of your questions answered by the friendly people that hang out there.

This buying guide will teach you everything you need to know about beds from the shopping basics to how the companies make, market and sell beds to you!

What's The Best will also give you information on the different types of mattresses like foam, air and the popular latex beds. So feel free to read up, ask questions and find out which bed is best for you!

We will help you determine whether you need a new mattress. It will also help you decide which type best meets your needs. Choosing a bed is a difficult task. You will be glad you found us. Don't forget to check out our mattress reviews and forum where helpful people just like you give their time to help one another.
Ratings are important but what we really need is insider information.

Imagine you had a cousin who was in the bedding industry. Do you think they would be able to help you find the right bed at the right price? You bet! We are management consultants who have had several clients in the mattress industry - we know the industry secrets.

Knowledge is power. We have spent years working in the industry and now we have taken that knowledge and are ready to give it to you.

Read and you will learn:

-How to save hundreds of dollars on your next purchase!
-The secrets and tricks that manufacturers and retailers use in their marketing and how to defeat them!
-There are different negotiating strategies for online and offline.
-Determine if you really do need a new bed.
-How mattresses are constructed.
-What choices you have with regard to comfort and support.
-What to expect from retailers.
-Why are air, foam and latex mattresses becoming popular.

Is Sleep Stopping Smokers From Quitting?

You'll never know the difficulty of quitting smoking until you try it. Among the side effects, a lack of sleep that leads to all kinds of difficulties. But now, doctors have begun a new study to ease the transition and they're looking for volunteers.

In a non-descript lab at SRI International, they're looking to attract a few good smokers.
Two decades ago, Dr. Gary Swan lost his mother in law to a smoking related cancer. Now he and Dr. Ian Colrain have begun a clinical trial of smokers trying to break their addiction.

Studies show that half the people who try to quit smoking do not succeed. They may last three hours, or three days, or three weeks, or months but eventually they fail and much of that has to do with a lack of sleep.
ABC7's Wayne Freedman: "The cumulative effect is?"

Dr. Ian Colrain, Ph.D., SRI sleep researcher: "Being tired and grumpy the next day. Your performance goes down. Your moods go bad. And you know how to fix tired and grumpy? You go back to smoking."
Deborah Birce, a nurse from Hayward, knew the pattern all too well.
Deborah Birce, quitting smoking: "It was difficult falling asleep. And though I was asleep, apparently, it didn't feel like I was asleep."

She was among the first of several hundred volunteers to wire up, quit smoking and then spend five nights in a bedroom at SRI as doctors examine her brain waves.
Dr. Ian Colrain, SRI sleep researcher: "Just knowing they don't sleep is well worth doing. Knowing how to improve it is the next thing."

Among the unanswered questions? Do anti-depressants ease a people's quitting or just keep them awake?
The study will look at both physical and psychological reactions.
Deborah Birce, quitting smoking: "When I get in my car, have a cup of coffee, they trigger you to old behaviors."

Deborah has gone three weeks now without a cigarette. Three big weeks after 27 years of smoking. She still has cravings, but Deborah Birce, quitting smoking: "I just started realizing after quitting that I don't even know how to live without smoking because I did it for so long."

Maybe the hard part is now behind her.